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Cherry Tree

Certified Reiki Training


Reiki 1st Degree

Self-Healing Course


Reiki 2nd Degree

Practitioner Level


Reiki Masters

Master Teacher




Cherry Tree

Angelic Reiki Training


Angelic Reiki

Level 1 & 2


Angelic Reiki



Angelic Reiki

Metatron Methods



Also now offering Reiki 1 for kids!

Empowering the next Generation with Kids Reiki 1 Workshop 

Cherry Tree
Reiki 1

Reiki 1st Degree (Shoden)

IICT Approved & Recognised

If you always wanted to learn & begin your journey with Reiki just for you and your family, or to add to your Business & Life's Purpose, then this is for you.


What is Reiki Energy Healing?

This Reiki Course is the level at which one is encouraged to focus on self-healing. This enables you to channel more energy through yourself, so your own energy field is optimised. Reiki is simply a gentle hands-on healing process where the energy is transferred from a Practitioner to the client through the palm of their hands. Reiki simply means *Universal Life Force energy*

Reiki Energy will go to the part of your body that needs it the most because it has its own Innate intelligence or Divine intelligence.

Reiki may help to restore Balance & Well-Being. It will help you to go into a Deep State of Relaxation naturally or even Sleep while at the same time assisting your body to clear any Energy blocks and Toxins helping one to reduce the symptoms of any conditions. Reiki simply speeds up the healing process.


Reiki helps with the whole body by addressing the 4 Bodies, Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual imbalances during each session and restores balance over time, but you will definitely feel some difference from your first session. It is important to understand that Reiki is a process not a one visit remedy. It's not for me to say how many sessions would benefit you as everyone is different and ultimately, it's the Clients responsibility for their health & well-being.


The best way to understand Reiki is to experience it and trust in the process.


Everyone is different, and their experiences are different every session. Some people will see colours. Some drift off to a beautiful beach, some see their Spirit Guides or Loved ones, some will feel hot & cold, some will feel a tingling sensation some peoples stomachs may make noises and they are all normal and natural things to occur but for anyone who only feels calm, serene and at peace are the ones who are truly experiencing a Profound & much needed Healing


Reiki is incredibly beneficial for so many conditions such as:



*Pain (any kind)

*Pre & Post Natal

*Pre & Post Surgery




*Injuries including old ones






*Cancer-Before, during & after Chemo


*Back pain


And so much more....


 What will you get?

* Course manual with the History of Reiki

*Your Lineage

*Vital understanding of Reiki 

*Hand positions and understanding them

*Basic Chakra and Aura system teachings,

*How to connect and turn Reiki off

*Reiki Principles 

*References & Guides so you can be sure to walk away confidant.


And so much more…

* You will be taught is a safe heart space of a small group of 3-4 max for quality, confidence, and a personal nurturing experience.

* Understanding and receiving your 4 Attunements where I will directly connect you to the Reiki Universal Life Force

* Hands on training as you receive & give a treatment.

* Pendulum work and how to use in your sessions and for personal use.

* On-going support including joining my Reiki Family Facebook group. 



Training starts 10am and finishes 4-5pm (these times are flexible depending on numbers)

BYO Lunch please – fridge, kettle and microwave oven available.

Light refreshments will be offered throughout the day along with Coffee, teas, hot chocolate including marshmallows during winter.




with a $100 non–refundable deposit to secure your place.

*** Payment support available ***


Contact Rita for Course Dates


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Reiki 2

Reiki 2nd Degree (Okuden)

IICT Approved & Recognised

Prerequisite is the completion of Reiki 1


What is Reiki 2 Practitioner level?

This level opens your heart chakra. This is the connector between the physical & spiritual realms / or universal realms Universal Love & compassion and this will also increase your intuition and your sensitivity to subtle energies are heightened.

What will you get?

*Manual that includes:

* Training on how to send Distance / Absent healing to a person in the same room a place, a situation, an event or to anyone anywhere in the world.

* Learn and be attuned to our 3 beautiful & sacred symbols, understanding their meanings and how best to use them for a specific outcome.

*Reiki Box / Reiki stack

* The many ways to send distance healing from anywhere you are to whoever & wherever you wish or intend.

*Practice on the day using the symbols after you are attuned including facial detox.
*How to send healing to your past, present & future.
* How to release emotional blockages, Weight loss / Release and so much more.
*Professional treatment.
* The importance of exchange and more…


BYO lunch –Refreshments provided throughout the day. Fridge, kettle, toaster, microwave available.

Coffee, teas, hot chocolate & marshmallows.

Training starts 10am and finishes 4-5pm (these times are flexible depending on numbers)



with a $100 non-refundable deposit to secure your place.

Payment support plans available


Contact Rita for Course Dates

Cherry Tree
Reiki Masters

Reiki Master Teacher

IICT Approved & Recognised

Prerequisite is Reiki 1 & 2.


Are you ready to step into Mastership?


Becoming a Reiki Master is a Sacred practice and must be given the reverence it deserves.


This will raise your personal vibration. Increase your spiritual growth, and the added symbols, techniques and knowledge will only add to your already healing abilities. Whether it be purely for recognition or to teach (one day if and when the time is right) it will always be your choice


Raise your Vibration even higher as you merge with Reiki Consciousness and know we are ONE


Becoming a Reiki Master opens you up to a whole new level and yes, this does bring you to the Teachers level, but know that you and only you can decide if you ever teach it or not.


This level will bring about more joy and abundance.


Learn and be attuned to the last two symbols, techniques and this extra knowledge will simply add more value to your personal life and practice.


Please Note: You need to have completed your Reiki 1 & 2 before you can do this Course, and there needs to be at least 12mnths - 18mnths between your Reiki 2 & Masters. I also must sight your Reiki 1 & 2 certificates if you have completed them with another Reiki Master.


What will you get?


*Your Master lineage
*Learning and be attuned to the last 2 Sacred Master Symbols.
*Understand your responsibility as a Reiki Master Practitioner.
*Teaching others, Learn and understand how to run your own courses should you wish.

*All three levels of Attunement process / sequence.
*Attunement practice on the day, this is so beautiful and will allow you to feel the honour of it all.

*Includes Advanced Reiki Training valued at $167 


If it is In-house - $688pp
Held at a venue - $788pp
Interstate - $708


with a $288 non refundable deposit to secure your place.

$397 if you are wanting a refresher with your Masters.

*** Payment support available***


BYO lunch please. Coffee, teas, hot chocolate and marshmallows, refreshments throughout the day. Kettle, toaster, microwave and fridge available. Training starts 10am and finishes 4-5pm (these times are flexible depending on numbers)


Contact Rita for Course Dates


Angelic Reiki

Level 1 & 2

Angelic Reiki is an experience like no other modality you’ve ever experienced before.

Angelic Reiki  “This new Golden Age” modality was channelled by Kevin Core through the Archangel Metatron.

No Experience necessary 

IICT Approved & Recognised

Is Angelic Reiki completely different to Usui Reiki?  Yes
Is it taught completely different?  Yes
Are the attunements completely different?  Yes
Are the healings that we can offer after completing this course completely different?  Yes
Is this Fully Certified ? Yes

This 2.5 day will be full of pure bliss pure love,  nurturing ,  connection,
learnings  & healings for all.

A gift for you all:
This is a beautiful & powerful training where you will receive transformational clearings and attunements from the Angelic Kingdom of Light.

These will upgrade your light body and gift you receivership of symbols and a vibrational frequency which then enables you to work with a personal team of Angelic beings, to channel high-vibrational angelic frequencies of light and love for self-healing and healing of others.

This workshop will impart to the student a complete system of healing.

This course delivers both level 1 & level 2 attunements to train the student to Practitioner Level.

Healing used in conjunction with the Angels and Reiki symbols ( you do not need to know or learn these symbols as they will be attuned through the Angelic vibration. Healing Angels will then work with you on a permanent basis.

During this workshop the student receives: -


*A complete Karma cutting and Angelic cleansing prior to attunement.

*Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree Practitioner levels.

*The 7 symbols given will be activated to Angelic level, through the 7 levels of form and divine form, by the Archangel Metatron.

*An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through the Archangel Metatron.

*Hands on healing experience of being a channel for healing Angel Energy.

*Experience of Absent/Distance healing.

*Experience of Self -Healing.

*Healing with Ascended Masters & Galactic Healers.

Experience of *Multidimensional / Past Life healing - this one always blows my students mind.

*Advice on healing treatment practicalities.

*A master crystal to hold the divine Angelic codes of Healing & your gift to keep.

*A comprehensive practitioner’s manual.

Certificate of training achievement to 1st & 2nd degree in Angelic Reiki (this enables the practitioner to gain insurance to practice straight away)

*As a healer willing to work with Angels in this way, you offer a great and wonderful service to all and yourselves.

Angelic Reiki 1 & 2 is taught over 2.5 days


Friday - 6.30pm - 9:30pm
Saturday - 9:30am - 4:30pm
Sunday - 9.30am - 4:30pm

Please note: you must attend Friday night as your first attunement will be received.


If it is In-house - $708
Held at a venue - $788pp
Interstate - $798pp

International by invitation only.

With a Deposit- $288 (non-refundable) is a must to secure your place and places are limited to 6 max.


Did you know that kids from 14 years old are welcome to sit this course with you? 
All enquiries welcome, contact me below for upcoming courses

Payment support available by arrangement.
Please BYO lunch
I’ll provide everything else - Coffee, tea and refreshments throughout the day.
Fridge available to store any foods you wish to.

Simply contact me directly for upcoming events or feel free to pop over to my Facebook page and see “Events” there.

Cherry Tree
Angelic 2

Angelic Reiki Masters

Masters Level 3 & 4

Welcome to your Certified Angelic Reiki Mastership / Teacher & Trainer Course.

Level 3 & 4.

Prerequisite - Angelic Reiki 1 & 2.

This Mastership course will allow you to teach if you wish or simply step it up even more.
Join myself and Archangel Metatron as we embark on this magical journey 

What will you learn 

* How to Open & Close Sacred Space.
*Gain a deeper understanding of yourself, Hea
ling, expanding your Consciousness even more and to the level that feels right for you.
*Revisiting Reiki 1 & 2
*More hands on practice with more healing experiences like “Healing through Eye Contact as used in Atlantis.
* Healing with Soul Group energies
*More healings with Divine Presence & Blessings
*13 Symbols which are your gateway to Multidimensional healing.

 *Attuned and activated to Angelic Level through the 7 levels by Archangel Metatron.
*Cleansing & entity release & full attunement to Angelic Reiki level 3rd & 4th degrees.
*Angelic Ray Attunement
*Masters Archangelic Initiation
*Gifts of higher knowledge given by Sarim, The Princes of the Angelic Kingdom
*Healing practice sessions
*Advice of course on how to teach and facilitate your own courses.
*Manuals, cover pages & Certificates all provided and personalised for you through The Angelic Reiki Association.
*A comprehensive manual including your trainer manual
*Certified Certificate


Angelic Reiki Masters is taught over 3 Days

If it is in my home - $888
If held at a venue - $988
Interstate - $988

A Non refundable deposit of $288 is required to secure your place.

Limited to 6 Beautiful Souls max.
BYO lunches. I’ll provide coffee, tea & refreshments through out the day.

Please contact me directly for upcoming dates or simply visit my Facebook page and check out events.


Angelic Reiki
The Metatron Methods

Pre-requisite is Angelic Reiki 1&2


Are you a graduate of Angelic Reiki 1 & 2 and ready to deepen your understanding of your new found gifts?  Then I have got a treat for you!


The Metatron Methods course is a two day extension of level 1 & 2 Attunements designed to take a deep dive into the sacred esoteric wisdom of the Angelic Kingdom of Light from which Angelic Reiki is based upon.  It is jam packed with many additional healing methods to add to your Angelic Reiki toolbox.


What you learn


*Opening a Workshop & Clearing the space.

*Karma Cutting Meditation & Clearing.

*Chakras Cleansing / clearing.

*Healing with Crystals and Platonic Solids.

*Enhancing your Healing Sessions with becoming a clear channel to the divine.

*Manual and Certificate.

*My gift to you - Your very own crystal set of Metatron’s Platonic Solids. 


……And so much more!


This workshop is a gift of sacred knowledge which will take your Angelic Reiki healings to a New Level.


YOU MUST BE ATTUNED TO ANGELIC REIKI 1 & 2 to do this course. 


Metatron Methods is taught over 2 Days



In my home - $598pp

Held at a venue - $688pp

Interstate - $688pp


Please contact me directly for upcoming dates or feel free to visit my Facebook page. 

Cherry Tree
Soul Midwifery

Soul Midwifery

2 Day course


So, what Soul Midwifery?

It is the process of helping beautiful souls to pass over as we help the soul

to make their transition as smooth and as peaceful possible to spirit.

This includes the care of the person who is transitioning using: 

Angelic Reiki

Sound and if wanted certain essential oils.  This allows the person who is passing over to make peace with their lives and if they want to talk about their life, good or otherwise, any regrets to you knowing you will listen without judgement. If called upon to do so it may also fall upon you as the Soul Midwife to give permission to the person to pass over.

Death can eclipse and shatter everything, but when a death is good the room is filled with peace and all the pain that went before it is forgotten; where there was mystery there is knowledge and where there was fear there is love – this is the work of the Soul Midwife.

The intention of this course is not only to teach and share powerful knowledge, but also to inspire and equip those who are called in the most holy way, for the essential work of caring for the dying with our Angelic and Celestial hosts.

This 2 day Course has been designed for Angelic Reiki healers who want to work with people at the end of life, support those to cross the sacred threshold, care for the spirit and support the journey before and after death.

Helping dying people experience a good death is the work of the Master Healer in the 21st Century.

This course is open to anyone who feels called, it is not only for Angelic Reiki Practitioners but it is a bonus if you are.

This workshop will gift you with: 


  • Creating sacred space and working with spirit guides.

  • The sacred stages of the death process.

  • Soul Rescue work – clearing spaces, people and energy.

  • Meta Breath.

  • Healing – powerful new healing methods with Archangel Metatron.

  • Divine ritual work with the Archangels and Ascended Masters.

  • Anointing, Chakra, Sound and Energy techniques.

  • Deep Meditation.

  • Cord Cutting and Forgiveness work.

  • Esoteric wisdom about the death and dying process.

  • Comprehensive timelines on working with clients.

And much more…


In my home - $638
Held at a Venue - $688
Interstate - $638


Click "Book Now" to chat with Rita for dates

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Kid Reiki

Empowering the next Generation with Kids Reiki 1 Workshop 

With years of experience working with kids. I am excited to be offering this workshop to all who are ready to embrace your natural healing abilities.

Ideal for kids from 8 - 15yrs of age.

I have created this workshop to be fun & interactive while being loved, nurtured  & supported in a safe space.
Children naturally have an open heart, and this is why they will be able to connect to their own life force energy, unlock their natural healing ability to be able to address their 4 bodies ( Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual)

Benefits are:

* Self-empowerment
* Self-acceptance

* Self-validation
* Self-healing / treatment

* Ability to regulate their own nervous system
* Self-care
* Self - love
* Positive mindset
* Emotional support
* Confidence
* Self esteem
* Develop loving kindness towards oneself & others
* Happier balanced life
* Supporting their own emotional upset & overwhelm
* Stop nightmares
* Balance, more focus & the list goes on….

What do you get?

*We start with a little chat followed by a beautiful meditation to relax and at the same time “Meet your Higher Self” , How cool is that?
* Manual

*Reiki brief history
*Introduction to Chakras & Auras
* A lifelong gift right in the palm of your hands
* A few fun & interactive activities
* Fun with Crystals (
they will receive one as a gift)
* Reiki Principles
* Affirmations
* Understanding what an attunement is
* How to connect & disconnect
*Hands on Practice - Hand positions
* Reiki level 1 attunements
* Pendulum fun
* Certificate of attendance

*** Important for Parents / Guardian
* I will have Parental consent forms on the day and please know that an adult MUST be present for the full day…..No exceptions 

If you have any questions, please DM me
Please BYO lunch & water bottle
I will provide healthy snacks

Contact me today to secure your place as it will be limited to 3




Kids Reiki 1 Workshop

Cherry Tree

Refresher Reiki
Already trained in Reiki, but need a refresher?


Reiki 1 - Refresher

$188 pp


Reiki 2 - Refresher

$198 pp


Reiki Masters - Refresher

$397 pp

Contact Rita for Dates

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